
Welcome to FelixCaptcha.
FelixCaptcha is a custom CAPTCHA tool you can embed on any website to stop bots
It works by prompting the user to differentiate pictures of Felix from other things.
Such a challenge is easy to solve for humans, but hard for bots.

Try it out

Meet Felix

Meet Felix, bdan's cat, whom this project is based upon


You can find more felix pics here!
Also check out bdan’s catAPI

For developers

To use FelixCaptcha, import the script

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://felixcaptcha.2n.cx/fc.js"></script>

then, create a container for the captcha

<div id="captcha"></div>

To display a captcha in the container, use

var widgetId = FelixCaptcha.createWidget('captcha')

the argument is the id of the div to use. this will return an ID for the captcha
With this widget ID, you can query the status of the captcha and get a response code if it has been successfully completed by the user:

var responseCode = FelixCaptcha.getResponseCodeById(widgetId)

the responseCode will be null if the captcha is not completed.
Submit the response code along with your request or form to the server.

On the server, you can check the validity of a response code by posting a request to https://felixcaptcha.2n.cx/verify.php
include a json body with the response code like this:

    "code": "your response code"

this will return a json response; look for the success field; if it is true, your captcha response code is valid.


This is a project by anna.
Pictures of Felix have been supplied by bdan.
Other pictures used in the captcha challenge process have been shamelessly stolen from all around the internet >:)

Felix the Captcha

This song has absolutely nothing to do with FelixCaptcha apart from its similarities in name, but i found it while googling around if theres anything called FelixCaptcha already, and i thought i’d share

Felix the Captcha

Rotating Felix Loaf

felix loaf